How to Apply

Thank you for your interest in Beacon HS. 
The admissions window for 2025-2026 has closed.

Assessments for Admissions 2025-2026:

·         20% Average Course grades

·         80% Essay

Essay Instructions: To apply, respond to one of the two prompts below in 500 words or fewer. Each essay has its own rubric (see below):

Consortium Schools believe that students thrive when they are given the opportunity to study topics in-depth and apply their learning outside of the classroom. Beyond just taking tests, our students demonstrate their skills in practical terms: they design experiments, make presentations, write reports, and defend their work to outside experts.

  1. How do you think a school with this approach to learning will help you grow academically, personally, and creatively? What do you think you have to offer a school community like this?
  2. We admire students who are flexible in their approach to learning and willing to take intellectual risks that move them out of their comfort zone. Reflect on a time when you were intellectually challenged, inspired, or took an intellectual risk––inside or outside the classroom. How has that experience shaped you?

Note: All essays are to be submitted through your myschools account.



1 - (10 points)

2 - (15 points)

3 - (20 points)

4 - (25 points)


Response does not demonstrate a clear understanding of the Consortium approach.

Response demonstrates a mostly clear understanding of the Consortium approach.

Response demonstrates a clear understanding of the Consortium approach.

Response demonstrates a clear and detailed understanding of the Consortium approach and the student makes meaningful references to this approach throughout their response. 


Response addresses one way in which the Consortium approach would benefit the individual applicant academically, personally or creatively without detail.

Response addresses one or two ways in which the Consortium approach would benefit the individual applicant academically, personally and/or creatively without detail.

Response addresses multiple ways in which the Consortium approach would benefit the individual applicant academically, personally and creatively with detail.

Response addresses multiple ways in thoughtful and personalized detail on how the Consortium approach would benefit the individual applicant academically, personally, and creatively.


Response demonstrates little awareness of applicants strengths and support for the Consortium approach.

Response demonstrates some awareness of applicants strengths and support for the Consortium approach.

Response demonstrates a clear awareness of applicants strengths and support for the Consortium approach.

Response demonstrates a deep and thoughtful awareness of what a student has to offer a school community like ours academically, socially and with extracurricular activities (sports, clubs, etc.).


Shows little awareness of appropriate use

of language and word choice based

on the task and few ideas flow easily from one to the next.

Shows some awareness of appropriate use

of language and word choice based

on the task and some ideas flow easily from one to the next.

Clear, and appropriate use

of language and word choice based

on the task and most ideas flow easily from one to the next.

Creative, clear, and appropriate use

of language and word choice based

on the task and all ideas flow easily from one to the next.



1 - (10 points)

2 - (15 points)

3 - (20 points)

4 - (25 points)


Response describes with little detail an intellectual risk taken by the student and does little to explain the impact of that risk.

Response describes with little detail an intellectual risk and attempts to explain the impact of that risk.

Response describes in detail a relevant intellectual risk and explains the impact of that risk.

Response describes in great detail a relevant intellectual risk and insightfully explains the impact of that risk.


Student includes a conclusion that

does little to summarize or synthesize their experience.

Student includes a fairly persuasive conclusion that

summarizes their experience.

Student includes a fairly persuasive conclusion that

synthesizes their experience.

Student includes a distinct, compelling, persuasive conclusion that

synthesizes their experience.


Not confident writing style with a voice that does not develop the central idea effectively.

Fairly confident writing style with a voice that inconsistently develops the central idea.

Fairly confident writing style with a distinct, individual voice that serves to develop the central idea.

Confident writing style with a distinct, individual voice that serves to develop the central idea throughout.


Shows little awareness of appropriate use

of language and word choice based

on the task and few ideas flow easily from one to the next.

Shows some awareness of appropriate use

of language and word choice based

on the task and some ideas flow easily from one to the next.

Clear, and appropriate use

of language and word choice based

on the task and most ideas flow easily from one to the next.

Creative, clear, and appropriate use

of language and word choice based

on the task and all ideas flow easily from one to the next.